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There’s more to Taipei than just delicious food, cool shops, and exciting nightlife. In fact, there a plenty of healthier and more active ways to spend the weekend, and we’ve got a couple of ideas on what to do. Whether you plan to enjoy your weekend getting close to nature, doing some charity work, or fitting in a workout, we’re taking you off the beaten path, and showing you a whole new side of Taipei.

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1. Ba-Yan Wild Springs

Let us elevate your weekend routine for relaxation by telling you about this hidden gem: There’s a secret trail close to Ba-yan Hot Spring Resort, and it leads to a wild, open-air, hot springs. Trust, it’s a wonder to behold.

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2. Maokong Gondola

Leave work and all that drama behind, take a leisurely ride up the MaoKong Gondola. Soak in the sights, sip on some Taiwanese High Mountain tea, and spray some lemongrass mosquito repellent before you head back to explore the city. Bring a special friend to watch the sunset, and then see where the night takes you.


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3. Yang Ming Shang

Some of the best countryside in the business, from hikes to farmland - escape the city and clear your mind here. It’s beautiful.


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4. Zong He Animal Shelter

Being outside and helping puppies..do we even need to tell you more?

5. Elephant Mountain

Don’t be lazy, get outside. Rain, heat, or more heat, it doesn’t matter...hiking  Elephant Mountain to take in the sights when you reach the top will keep your mind, body, and soul young and at peace. Scale a few steps and soak in the sounds of wildlife around you, you’ll be happy you stepped out of the norm when you’re brushing the clouds from the top.

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